

09 Dec: In-Custody Deaths in Ten Maryland Detention Centers (Report)

The BioCritical Studies Lab analyzed a sample of 180 deaths in 10 city and county detention centers in The BioCritical Studies Lab analyzed a sample of 180 deaths in 10 city and county detention centers in Maryland between 2008 and 2019. These detention centers are distinct from state correctional facil- Maryland between 2008 and 2019. These detention centers are distinct from state correctional facilities in that they primarily confine persons who are awaiting trial or arraignment.

19 Feb: Fiona Apple and Carmen Johnson on promoting courtroom transparency

A group of volunteer court observers across the country is coming together to launch a new national network to observe bail review hearings and other legal proceedings. Join Courtwatch PG director Carmen Johnson and Grammy-winning artist Fiona Apple, a volunteer court observer in Prince George’s County, Md., to discuss their push for more transparency and accountability in courtrooms nationwide.